A Year In Review: What We Learned and What We Shared About Value-Based Maternity Care in 2021

A Year In Review: What We Learned and What We Shared About Value-Based Maternity Care in 2021

Value-Based Care, Providers, Maternity

Over the past year, Wildflower has spent a lot of time sharing best practices and raising important questions facing the advancement of value-based care within the maternity episode. We thought it would be great to close out the year by recapping some of the most important topics we’ve covered. We hope this review is helpful as we all head into the New Year with the priority of improving maternal health outcomes.

Balancing Risk & Reward: Not All Bundles and Global Payments Qualify as VBC

By definition, bundled episodes and global payments are actually not value-based care, at least not standing on their own. Yet many times, these models are held up as examples of value-based care in action. Only when payers AND providers share risk AND reward do you have a formula for true value-based care. Read more 

Value-Based Care in Maternity Is Not an All or Nothing Proposition 

Let’s not think of value-based care as an all or nothing proposition. There are effective ways for health plans to work with providers at their own pace and move deeper into value-based design over time. There are four key areas where health plans can increase adoption in value-based care today while creating a strategic path for growth tomorrow. These strategies include building in flexibility and aggregating independent providers to share risk and ensure value-based initiatives can scale. Read more.


If We Keep the Mission of Value-Based Care Front and Center, the Money Will Follow

When trying to figure out “how” to implement value-based care, it’s natural to start talking about who pays for what. This is when things start to fall apart, and we get stuck. It’s naïve to say that money doesn’t matter. Of course it does. The math has to work. But with value-based care, it’s really easy to let the financial models distract us from our primary goal, which believe it or not isn’t about the money. Read more.


Engaged Providers, Activated Patients, Effective Technology and Measurable Outcomes 

Advancing value-based care will require engaged providers, activated patients, the effective use of technology and a relentless focus on driving meaningful and measurable outcomes. For this to happen, providers must lead the way forward, VBC models must focus on achieving what’s best for the patient, and smart digital tools must be used to extend support in a way that preserves the humanity of healthcare. Wildflower convened a panel of industry experts to discuss these topics and more. Read more.

Three Keys to Accelerating Value-Based Care in Maternity

The OB episode is taking center stage as a proving ground for value-based delivery. But despite the obvious potential for improving OB outcomes through value-based models, the transition has proven to be extremely difficult, in part because of a lack of care continuity, challenges with payment reform and poor access. Here are three key areas that are mission critical to accelerate our collective success. Read more.

Making the Shift from Volume to Value for the OB Episode

Despite a lot of discussion, there are still too many active silos in healthcare. When no one has full scope, or accountability for the experience, patients suffer. The system as it is currently structured is not set up to deliver the right kind of care. Value-based care has been widely considered the obvious path forward. Specifically in maternity care, the energy toward a shift to value is intensifying. But despite its obvious potential for improving maternity outcomes, the transition has proven to be extremely difficult. So, how do we help this transition along? Three key priorities are focusing on delivery model first, designing a thoughtful economic model that aligns and rewards quality and providing OB providers with the tools and services needed for patient care transformation. Read more.

A Comprehensive Guide to Value-Based OB Care

Want to learn more about implementing value-based care in support improved maternal health outcomes? Wildflower has assembled an unprecedented panel of VBC experts to help you build a winning strategy. At valuebasedobcare.com, these experts share their guidance on topics ranging from health equity to health advocacy to data and measurement. Everything you need to implement value-based care in the OB setting can be found here